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<PromotionalAds mediapartnerid="1140083" startdate="2018-06-30T09:32:56+05:30" enddate="2018-07-02T09:34:43+05:30" currency="INR">
<Name>Flat 35% Off On Web Hosting</Name>
<Description>Flat 35% Off On Web Hosting</Description>
<LinkText>Flat 35% Off On Web Hosting</LinkText>
<AdHtml>&lt;h3&gt;&lt;a href="//bigrock-in.sjv.io/c/1140083/493497/5632"&gt;Flat 35% Off On Web Hosting&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/h3&gt; &lt;img height="0" width="0" src="//bigrock-in.sjv.io/i/1140083/493497/5632" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;" border="0" /&gt;</AdHtml>
<DiscountClassificationDetail>Web Hosting</DiscountClassificationDetail>
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